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It Is Common in Today’s World to Not Feel Seen and Heard

I found over the last twenty-plus years that people are reaching out to feel loved and accepted. Christian Counseling offers a supportive and safe relational environment to hear your story and to serve this purpose.

Sessions are offered to anyone who desires a trained ear to help them appropriate tools to bring healing. I look forward to working with you to help in your journey.

A Faith-Based Counseling Practice Since 2001

I graduated in May of 2001 from Colorado Christian University with a Master of Arts in Counseling. Today I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with over twenty years of experience in private practice.

My passions are Individual, Marriage and Family, Eating Disorders/Body Image, Adolescents, Grief, Anxiety, and Divorce. Please allow me to utilize my skills to aid you in achieving any goals you may have. I look forward to hearing back and working with you.

Christ-Centered Therapy That Treats the Whole Person

Christian counseling will give you the tools to overcome mental health problems and live a more fulfilled life. But unlike secular therapy, faith-based treatment will incorporate spiritual health into the equation by making the pursuit of God a foundational part of therapy. For treatment that addresses the whole person – spirit, body, mind, will, and emotions – get in touch with Christian Counseling LLC today.

Contact Us for Faith-Based Counseling